CLUB Members

Register for free and explore your city, enjoy delicious food, and connect with new people as a Vegans Explore CLUB Member.


Member Benefits

Special member discount from our partners.
Meet new friends at events and online.
Volunteer for nonprofits, events, and Vegans Explore.

Access magazines and other member-only publications.

Watch and listen to exclusive content.

Join the Vegans Explore team


Member Expectations

Like,Β comment, andΒ share contentΒ on social media.
Access the dashboardΒ to support your journey.
Read ourΒ bi-weekly Community Newsletter.

Consider becoming a Premium Access Member

Join the CLUB

Register below to become a member.

Member Access

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Click the titles below to reveal the answers.

    Why did you create CLUB Memberships?

    We created the CLUB Membership to build a community of passionate Vegans who want to spread the movement to cities around the world. This is your call to adventure and an opportunity to discover ways to support the nonprofits and businesses in your community.

    How are you able to make registration free?
    Is Vegans Explore currently in my city?

    Vegans Explore is currently in South Florida, Orlando, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Atlanta, and North Carolina. We are working on establishing our presence in new cities every month, so reach out if you want to lead the charge in your community.

    Are SoFlo Vegans and Vegans Explore the same thing?
    • SoFlo Vegans is now represented by the Vegans Explore Network.
    • Vegans Explore focuses on reaching communities around the world, while SoFlo Vegans focuses mainly on Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties.

    🌱 Join Vegans Explore: Empowering Vegan Communities Worldwide 🌍

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    Our Mission

    • Vegans Explore is building a global community, one city, and one person at a time.


    • We aim to have a positive presence in over 200 global cities by the end of 2025.
    • Develop a mobile app that will serve as a GPS to discover everything you need to know about Veganism by the end of 2024.


    • We promote local Vegan businesses and nonprofits in cities around the world.
    • Produce daily content consisting of videos, social media, podcasts, digital guides, magazines, and Live events.
    • Support Vegan events with marketing and promotions.
    • Donate 10% of our earnings to nonprofit organizations.

    Next Steps

    • Please create a free account and stay up to date with all of our latest developments.
    • Secure premium access for exclusive content and special perks.

    Business Opportunities

    • Please create a free account and gain access to our Partner Dashboard
    • Purchase a Featured Partner promotional package for greater impact.

    🌱 Programs and Campaigns 🌍

    Vegan Block Party

    Global Tour

    Campaigns to grow our community at Live events around the world.

    Vegan Who Lift

    Podcast Network

    Partnering with popular content creators to create valuable programming for the Vegan community.

    Magazine Promotion

    Local Guides

    Digital directory listings that showcases restaurants, vendors, nonprofits, and service providers in different cities around the world.

    Sean Russell

    Meet Our Founder

    Vegans Explore is led by Sean Russell, a marketing manager and media producer with over 28 years of professional experience. He’s worked extensively in the entertainment, education, health and wellness, sports, tourism, fashion, and Vegan industry. You can view his website to see more of his credentials.

    Vegans Explore Sponsors

    Businesses and brands that support the Vegans Explore mission.



    Green Vegan Bags

    Green Vegan Bags

    Forager Project

    Forager Project

    JUST Egg

    Just Egg

